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Writer's pictureCharlotte Saulter

Live Real Estate Class in Concord Winter 2018 Schedule.

Live Real Estate Classes

Class Locations and Schedule:

Vallejo Campus: 2103 Redwood St.

Saturday Morning 9am-1pm

Session 1 Class Dates January 13th-March 3rd, Instructor Charlotte Saulter

Registration Deadline December 20th

Session 2 Class Dates March 24th-May 12th, Instructor Charlotte Saulter

Registration Deadline February 20th

Wednesday Evening 6pm-8:30p,

Session 1 Class Dates February 21st-April 18th, Instructor Charlotte Saulter

Registration Deadline January 20th

Concord Campus: Willow Pass Rd(New Location)

Saturday Morning 9am-1pm


Session 1 Class Dates February 24th-April 21st Instructor A.Reese

Registration Deadline January 20th

Session 2 Class Dates April 28th-June 8th Instructor R. Benford

Registration Deadline March 19th

Tuesday Evening 5:30pm-8:30pm

Session 1 Class Dates February 13th-March 20th nstructor R. Benford

Registration Deadline January 10th

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