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Accelerated Real Estate Agent Licensing Program
Live Interactive Class Schedule

Get On the Fastrak to Your Real Estate Career.

Students Who Graduate from This Program

Successfully Pass the Real Estate Exam the First Time.

Available Classes




At least 90% Class attendance  is required to receive full credit hours


Students will be responsible for completing all required class assignments and achieve at least a 60% passing score on final exam in order to receive a certificate of completion. We will only be discussing related topics that are covered in your textbooks.


If at the end of the class  you have not finished  you will have to complete the course again.  You must repeat the class until a passing score is achieved. There is no additional cost to repeat the class.



Results are not guaranteed and depends on the ability of each student to complete course materials during class period. We do not guarantee  that  with our program students will  automatically pass the real estate exam or become successful real estate agents. We do provide the necessary tools and guidance needed to in order for the above mentioned to be attained. 


Live Class Refund Policy

Our live class program is not refundable. If for whatever reason you are unable to attend a session you can reschedule to a different time at no charge. You may also transfer the class to someone else as long has class has not started.

Live Classes are Taught by
Ms. Charlotte Saulter

Charlotte Saulter has over 20 years experience in the field of real estate.  Her mission for the school is for every one of her students to have a successful real estate career.  In her classroom you can expect to learn more than what presented in the textbook. Her goal is to prepare you for the exam and what's to be expected once you become licensed.  She takes education to the next level she is a teacher and mentor. Even after you graduate from the school the mentorship doesn't stop. She's always committed to her students success.

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CES Real Estate School CALBRE Licensing Requirements
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