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Writer's pictureCharlotte Saulter

Live Real Estate Class in Vallejo Saturday April 20th. Enroll now

Course Title: CA Real Estate Principles Course

Course Description:

Join us for our CA Real Estate Principles Course offered through live instruction by CES Real Estate School, featuring experienced instructor Charlotte Saulter. This comprehensive course consists of weekly 4-hour sessions held on Saturday mornings from 9am to 1pm, spanning over 8 weeks. By participating in this course, you can earn 45 credit hours towards fulfilling the DRE prelicense requirement.

Our live onsite training provides an interactive learning experience with direct instructor interaction, allowing you to receive personalized guidance and support while becoming well-versed in the fundamentals of California real estate. CES Real Estate School is proud to be recognized as the #1 Real Estate School for in-person teaching, ensuring that you receive the highest quality education and preparation for your real estate career.

Don't miss this opportunity to kickstart your journey in real estate with industry-leading instruction and guidance.

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