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Fall Class Schedule

Writer's picture: Charlotte SaulterCharlotte Saulter

Class Locations and Schedule:

Vallejo Campus: 2103 Redwood St.

Classes Held Saturdays 9am-2pm

Session 1 Class Start Date: September 9th, Instructor: Charlotte Saulter

Registration Deadline Aug 30th​

Session 2 Class Start Date January 27th, Instructor Charlotte Saulter

Registration Deadline January 20th

Session 3****New Weekday Class in Vallejo Wed 10am-12pm****

Class Start Date October 25th Instructor Charlotte Saulter


Richmond Campus: 15501 San Pablo Ave

Classes Held Saturdays 9am-2pm

Session 1 Class Start Date October 7th Instructor R. Benford

Registration Deadline Sept 30th

Session 2 ​Class Start Date January 20th Instructor R. Benford

Registration Deadline January 10th

Session 3***New Weekday Class in Richmond Tues and Thurs 6pm-8pm****

Class Start Date October 12th Instructor Charlotte Saulter

Cost $450 for 8 week course which includes 3 textbooks, online state exam prep course and weekly group study


This class is a designed to compliment your correspondence study. You will be required to complete reading materials and take course exams/ quizzes via our online testing site. We will not adminster any live testing during the class session. The purpose of this live group study is to help prepare you for the real estate exam and also give you a thorough understanding of the course materials.

Class attendance does not qualify for required hours for CAL BRE pre-license.

Students will be responsible for completing all 3 courses in order to qualify for 135 hours. We will only be discussing related topics that are covered in your textbooks. Class also includes field trips to give real life exposure to the real estate field and working as a Realtor.

If at the end of the group study you have not finished the 3 course you have up to 1 year to complete on your own. You will also be allowed to attend a future live group study course at no charge if needed.

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