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Live Real Estate Agent Licensing Class in Oakland

Sat, May 11


Location is TBD

Get Your Real Estate License in 54 Days. We are offering a 10 week accelerated program designed to help our students complete 135 hours of real estate pre-licensing education. Our instructors provide an intense learning platform to ensure that our students have a thorough understanding.

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Live Real Estate Agent Licensing Class in Oakland
Live Real Estate Agent Licensing Class in Oakland

Time & Location

May 11, 2019, 9:00 AM – Jul 27, 2019, 12:00 PM

Location is TBD

About the Event

Our teaching staff is here to help you meet the pre-licensing real estate license requirements and pass the state exam. Receive the professional real estate training and specialized tools that will give your career an advantage. Sign up for our live real estate class today.

This is an accelerated program designed to assist students with completing the required 135 hrs in 10 weeks.

Our live classroom licensing class will help you become more than prepared to easily pass the state exam.

If you are on the fast track to getting your license in 90 days then this is the course to take.


This course has been designed to help students stay on pace to completing the three required pre-licensing

courses in 54 days so you can expect to apply for your state exam in just over three months.

Class meetings will be held weekly for10 weeks in one of our local real estate school training centers.


At the end of the session you will be more than prepared to pass the CA real estate exam and have a good understanding of real estate as a career. Our real estate school instructors are licensed are active real estate professionals who not only will be discussing class topics but also we be sharing their first hand experience in the business.

Who should take this class:

The Live Real Estate Class is recommend for anyone who would like to interact in a study group environment to gain a more in depth understanding of information covered in the course textbooks. This live real estate class group is very fast paced and designed to help you complete the home study or online real estate courses within 54 days. This live real estate class Study group is facilitated by licensed CA Real Estate Brokers.


10 week program includes three 45 hour pre-licensing courses, 3 textbooks, online state exam prep course and weekly group sessions

Total Cost is $750.00


  • Live Real Estate Class Oakland

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