Enroll in this intense accelerated program and gain a thorough understanding of the principles of real estate and in-depth study on the 7 categories covered in the California Real Estate Exam. All classes taught by licensed real estate agents and brokers who have a demonstrated industry track record in real estate sales. Program includes real estate principles course, textbook and live training Enroll Now www.cesrealestateschool.com 510-223-2636 CA DRE Sponsor ID S0663 Earn 45 hours credit #cesrealestateschool #realestateeducation #onlinerealestatecourse #realestatecareer #realestatetraining #learningonline #realestatezoomclass #californiarealestateagentlicense #bestrealestateschool #careergoals #distancelearning #becomearealestateagent #realestateclass #beyourownboss #careeropportunity #employmentopportunities #richmondca #oaklandcalifornia #elsobrante #sacramentoca #californiarealestate
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real estate agent license class
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