Dustin Brohm Published on February 2, 2016 Daily Habits of 8 Top Real Estate Agents Top Real Estate Agents Reveal the Daily Routines that Makes Them So Successful Why are top real estate agents successful, and other real estate agents unsuccessful? Are there certain things that successful Realtors do on a daily basis that unsuccessful Realtors do not? What time do they wake up? How much time do they spend prospecting each day? The successful real estate agent has all the business they can handle (and then some!), while the unsuccessful Realtor struggles to find clients and their business up and down like a very stressful and unpleasant roller coaster. I spoke with 8 of the top real estate agents in the country and got them to spill the beans. They were generous enough to give us a detailed glimpse into their daily routine and share what they do every day that makes them successful… Be ready to print this article out and use it as a blueprint for success as a Realtor. It’s a doozy! Please don’t shoot the messenger, but hard work is definitely required if you want to be successful, in anything you do. There’s no way around hard work, I’m sorry. There is sure as hell no way to become one of these top real estate agents without serious hard work and dedication. But why does it seem like some Realtors reach a very high level of success while putting in the same 8-10 hours a day that you put in? Are those big shot Realtors just special, or are they simply being more productive than the rest of us? What makes top real estate agents… TOP real estate agents? Regardless what business you’re in, the small daily disciplines and habits that you do consistently over time will determine whether or not you become successful. For example, if you ate McDonald’s for lunch today, will you instantly get fat? YES! Ok, just messing with you. No, eating junk food for lunch today will not make you fat. But what if you ate that same McDonald’s double cheeseburger for lunch every day for a year? Would that make you fat? Of course it would. DAILY HABITS OF 8 TOP REAL ESTATE AGENTS - Image 2 The same principle applies to your business career. What you do today matters. What you do every day matters. There is a compounding effect to what we do on a daily basis, whether good or bad. But how do we know if we’re doing the most productive things each day? After all, success leaves clues. The proven path to success is to do what other top real estate agents do. Hmm, if only there was a way to know what these top Realtors do every day… Debbie-Drummond-RealtorDEBBIE DRUMMOND Las Vegas, NV Simply Vegas Real Estate TheLasVegasLuxuryHomePro.com One of the constant challenges you will find as a Realtor is the balancing act of trying to stay on top of lead generation/prospecting and going out to show and list homes. I receive notifications throughout the day when new leads register on our websites. I send all new leads a text message right away. However, there might be an occasional delay if I’m out showing homes. The first thing I do every morning is check for new leads that came in over-night and send them a text. Over the years, I have worked with clients who registered on several sites. Most were surprised that I was the only one who called them. The big thing I would suggest to any new Realtor is to develop good work habits from the start. I had an advantage when I started in Real Estate. I studied piano and voice as a kid. Went on to study jazz in college and spent ten years touring as a professional musician. The discipline of sitting at a piano and practicing for hours a day has been a huge plus for me as a Realtor. I think nothing of checking emails and texting new leads while the coffee is brewing in the morning. I’ve worked with agents who confess that they can’t work at home. They will list the distractions, especially when they have young children at home. If you can’t work at home, join a brokerage with office space. If you do work at home, learn to close the door on those distractions. Do whatever it takes to create an environment allows you to focus. If you aren’t spending a few hours a day on lead generation/prospecting, you won’t last. Connect with Debbie Drummond on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn Bill-Gassett-RealtorBILL GASSETT Hopkinton, MA RE/MAX Executive Realty MaxRealEstateExposure.com Bill was the #3 RE/MAX agent in New England in 2013, and is a nationally recognized social media expert. “I am at my computer every morning by 7 a.m. The first thing I do is get rid of all my emails. After that I immediately start working on social media exposure for my blog. After finishing up my promotional efforts I head to breakfast. I am usually at the office by 9 a.m. I spend at least 4-5 hours on all of my articles. All of my content is long form. The majority of my blog content is between 1500-2500 words. I would estimate that by the end of the day I have spent close to three hours working directly with social media. Most of my business is working with sellers. I personally meet with all of my clients. I am not in a team but do have an administrative assistant.” When asked about prospecting and/or connecting with his Sphere of influence (SOI), Bill replied “I do at times but I probably should be doing more of this than I do. Frankly I am at a point in my career where I am not looking to do more. I have personally been involved in over a hundred transactions during a year and this has burned me out. If I can do 50-75 deals I am more than happy.” Bill has some very specific advice for new or struggling Realtors. “You need to spend money to make money. Far too many agents do not invest enough back into their business. One thing I would recommend is having a state of the art website with personal branding besides what your company does. If you really want to succeed in this business you have to set yourself apart from other Realtors!” Connect with Bill Gassett on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn Paul-Sian-RealtorPAUL SIAN Cincinnati, OH HER Realtors CinciNKYrealestate.com For me personally I keep a mental plan of the activities I need to do during the week. A rule of thumb I have though is that if some activity is going to help out my clients immediately that always goes to the top of the list. If you don’t make your clients happy nothing else will really matter. I start each week with a blog topic in mind that I want to write about. On Monday or Tuesday I begin to research and write out the article. I try and finish the writing of the article in one sitting. The writing is the easy part for me at least. The more time consuming part of the process is creating infographics, searching for the right graphics for my blog post, connecting with other blogging real estate agents to see if they have any blog articles that would be a great fit with my article, and sharing my blog article on social media. When it comes to social media sharing I use some automated sharing tools to help with sharing, though I still directly engage with others on the various social media platforms; prospecting and connecting with my friends/acquaintances on social media, educating my followers about real estate and at the same time trying not to be overly sales oriented that I get ignored. This is just a small snapshot of what I am sure many top Real Estate Agents who blog also do with their time. You need to find an area that works well for you and keep your focus going in that direction. Connect with Paul Sian on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram. anita-clark-realtorANITA CLARK Warner Robins, GA Coldwell Banker SSK Realtors SellingWarnerRobins.com There are a few things I have conditioned myself to do daily that have really paid dividends in my real estate biz over the years. The first is to get into the habit of consistent blogging. I keep several articles in draft mode and ensure I spend 15-30 minutes a day either doing research for an article or preparing an article for online publication. This recent example was put together over a few weeks and should help buyers better understand our real estate lingo. The more quality content you publish, the better opportunity you have to get found by real estate buyers and sellers in your market. Make blogging a priority and you will see results. The second thing I ensure I do each day is to spend at least 30 minutes sharing (often the content of others) and commenting on various social media platforms. There is no easier way to connect with local real estate buyers, investors, and sellers than to go where they are and learn, grow, and share with them. Whether your goal is to provide information about your local communities (like this one for the Warner Robins GA real estate market), share articles that will help them better understand our industry, or participate in local online groups, using social media for biz each and every day should be a top priority. The key is to do something daily to increase your brand exposure and improve your ability to be found. If you get into a rhythm and turn your plan into actionable activities, more business will come your way. Connect with Anita Clark on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn Wendy-Weir-RealtorWENDY WEIR Bloomfield Hills, MI Berkshire Hathaway Home Services – Luxury Collection WendyWeirRelocation.com “My involvement in Social Media is actually quite new – other than LinkedIn which I have been active in for years. When I decided to get a new website is when I went after other areas such as a FB Business page, G+, and Twitter. My website, set up by Easy Agent Pro, was exactly what I needed to ‘capture’ the Millennial’s who will be our next big BOOM- in Real Estate. Then, as I slowly learned how to navigate thru all the different Do’s and Don’ts – I was encouraged by Bill Gassett to start writing a Blog – which I Really enjoy doing. The first few months I was up at 4am, writing articles I had been thinking about for years. Now because of Social Networking, I have been very fortunate to be included in a First Class Group of Realtors Across the Country – and we share content, ideas and advice daily. As far as sales go- I have been in Relocation now 19 years this month – and 99% of my clients are Referrals. Occasionally, I do have Transferees I work with personally – or a property I co-List with Agents from my office here. This is where my Best Advice would be most useful. I read about Mergers and Acquisitions daily – to see what the Corporate World is doing. Sometimes you can pick up a Lead that hasn’t already been assigned to a Realtor. Another great Lead Source for me has been going to Hotel Restaurants in the early mornings when people are having Breakfast – I have gotten many Leads as they discuss their new job opportunity and the desire to look for housing – temporary or permanent. Luckily I am not a shy person, and I can inquire as to whether or not they have already started working with someone locally or not – then I am usually asked to join them and we’re Off! I have had the most success getting new clients by Hosting Parties at my home. I do several a year, and invite my past clients, neighbors and friends to bring a guest or two with them, because it is all about Building Relationships. Usually, all the people I don’t know ask me for a card by the end of the evening – whether it is for themselves, Family or Business Associate’s. Building Relationships holds true when working with Agents as well. Simple things; give Feedback on Showings when asked, Return calls promptly, Give Advice freely and Help others whenever you can!!! The Most Powerful Advice I would give new Agents is what my Father taught me – the most used phrase on a daily basis for years will be “I don’t know the answer to that question, but I will find out for you.” Too many Agents are afraid of not appearing ‘Experienced… enough’ and will give information which will not only lose their Clients Trust, but will possibly cause them to have complaints made against them, will bring them to Arbitration or even possibly cause a Lawsuit against their Broker and themselves as well.” Connect with Wendy Weir on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn Kyle-Hiscock-RealtorKYLE HISCOCK Webster, NY Nothnagle Realtors RochesterRealEstateBlog.com “I think it’s extremely important, first and foremost, to understand that rarely will top real estate agents have a daily routine that remains the same day in and day out. One of the only constants in my schedule is that the first thing I do when waking up while drinking my first cup of coffee is to check my e-mails. Certainly depending on the amount of e-mails will determine how long this will take. Unless I have early morning appointments, my next task each day is to check in on my various social media accounts. This includes Twitter, Google Plus, Pinterest, and many others. It’s important as a new agent to understand the importance of social media and blogging in real estate. Since the majority of buyers and sellers are heading to the internet to begin the real estate process, doesn’t it make sense to put yourself in front of these potential buyers and sellers? Of course! For example, if a luxury homeowner in Las Vegas is wondering how to sell a luxury home, wouldn’t you love to have an article or page ranking on the first page of Google for search terms such as; how to sell a luxury home, tips for selling luxury homes, selling a luxury home…? Of course you would! Every day I spend a minimum of 4-5 hours on social media and blogging efforts. My blog, Rochester Real Estate Blog, is what my entire business revolves around. Not only is it my website where I feature my seller’s homes to give them maximum exposure but also where I can share my expertise and knowledge with potential home buyers and sellers. Having a top real estate website and strong social media presence in my local market allows me to differentiate myself. My social media and blogging efforts generally occur throughout the day and at sporadic times. I may spend 30 minutes in the morning replying to people on Google plus and Pinterest and then another hour in the evening doing the same while during the day I may take an hour to work on a future blog article. Bottom line, if you believe that social media, blogging, and having a highly ranking real estate blog and website can make a positive impact on your business, you will find the time. Other important activities that I believe are important in becoming a top real estate agent is definitely staying in contact with past clients. A successful real estate business should have a very high percentage of referral business and repeat business. A task as simple as taking one hour each day to reach out to past buyers and sellers or family and friends can go a long way the next time they hear someone discussing their real estate needs. With technology and social media it has become much easier to do this! It’s pretty easy to type up a half dozen e-mails to past clients, Facebook message ten of your friends, and call a couple relatives to see if they know of anyone looking to buy or sell. One of the best aspects about being a real estate agent is that it is truly your own business. What works well for me may not work well for others. It’s important that as a new agent you find what works for you. It may come with lots of trial and error as well as growing pains but if you stick with it and put the time and effort in, you can be considered with these top real estate agents.” Kyle Hiscock has helped hundreds of buyers and sellers move in, out, and around the Greater Rochester area since 2011! Kyle actively writes helpful content on his popular, Rochester’s Real Estate Blog. If you’re thinking of moving to Rochester NY, contact Kyle to assist with your relocation needs. Connect with Kyle Hiscock on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn Matt Minor realtorMATT MINOR Durham, North Carolina Hunter Rowe Real Estate MattMinorDurham.com “One of the things I love about being a top real estate agent here in Durham, North Carolina is that every day is different! That said, there are definitely a few things I do almost every day that have helped me keep new business coming while making sure my current clients stay top priority and have the best experience possible. I work by referral. This means I spend a lot of my time building relationships within the community, connecting with local business people and staying in touch with old clients. Monday through Thursday I go into the office and spend 90 minutes writing notes and catching up with folks on the phone to see if there’s any way I can be helpful to them. As an example, NC’s Wake and Durham Counties went through a tax revaluation, so I’ve been checking in on people to see if I can answer questions about their home’s new tax assessment. I also spend time every week developing content for my website, mattminordurham.com, and my wife and I team up to keep the site updated and promoted on social media. The bulk of my day is spent out of the office. To develop new business, I go to a number of networking and community events over the course of the month, and have a lot of one-on-one meetings with people over coffee or a meal. Connecting with different community organizations in the Triangle region has been key to growing my business, and the opportunity to build deep relationships across my community is one of the big reasons I became a Realtor in Durham, NC in the first place.” Connect with Matt Minor on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Google+ Dustin Brohm Realtor DUSTIN BROHM Cottonwood Heights, Utah Equity Real Estate SearchSaltLake.com As I roll out of bed, I’m reaching for coffee. Not because I can’t function without it, but damn, it tastes so good. I grab my coffee and head to my home office. But I’m not reaching for my laptop yet. Don’t need it for a while. I sit there on my phone checking all my social media notifications from overnight. Social media is a BIG part of my day, and my life. It’s not only a great way to get your name out there, but also a great way to connect with friends and family and see what they’re up to. I check Facebook first, then Snapchat, and Twitter. I make it a point to personally reply or acknowledge every single person that comments on my content. I learned this from Gary Vaynerchuk; when people comment, message or reply to you, and you don’t respond, they feel like you don’t give a crap. That’s not good when you’re trying to build relationships through social media. Not responding to a comment, message, or tag from someone on social media is like someone walking into your store, looking to do business with you but there’s no one behind the counter. The store is open, but no one there to tend to it. After 30-45 min of responding to social media messages and emails on my phone, I’ll grab breakfast, read 10 pages of a good book, and spend time with my wife before our little guy wakes up. From this point on, my days differ quite a bit. From 9am or so until 3:30 pm I’m usually all over the place, having coffee or lunch meetings with people, networking, or handling marketing or transaction-related stuff at the office. Many days around 3:30pm I will spend an hour or so knocking on doors in Cottonwood Heights Utah. I’m just talking with people to become more plugged in to what’s happening in particular neighborhoods, and to see if they know anyone who is selling their home soon. After door knocking I stop at the Cottonwood Heights Starbucks for about an hour to again catch up on social media and respond to emails. If I need to show homes to buyers this day, I may not even go door knocking. It just depends. I’ll make my way home for dinner around 7pm or so to spend time with my family. After we get my little boy down for bed, I head back to my home office to work on my blog articles, social media, reading, learning new things, etc. I often work until midnight, trying to pack as much productivity into the day as possible. You’re probably wondering if it’s required to work until midnight to be successful in real estate. I would say definitely not, but it’s a personal choice I have made to speed up reaching the level of business success that I aspire to. Yes, success is hard, but so is being broke. Pick your hard. Connect with Dustin on Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, Pinterest **What are YOUR Daily Habits that contribute to your success as top real estate agents? Reach out and let me know! Daily Habits of Top Real Estate Agents- INFOGRAPHIC RELATED LINKS: How to Use Snapchat for Real Estate 7 Quick Ways to Free Up More Time And Ace Real Estate Time Management by Tyler Zey Six Habits Of Successful Real Estate Agents by Deirdre Woollard VIDEO: How to Be a Successful Real Estate Agent by Monica Diaz